Home Proof That Instagram’s Hyperlapse App Makes Everyone’s Videos Better

Proof That Instagram’s Hyperlapse App Makes Everyone’s Videos Better

Editor’s note: This post was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.

Instagram has been an outlet for photographic and video storytelling since it was first introduced, and though we’ve seen new photo apps to make your Instas shine come and go over the past few years, none have been quite as hyped up as the latest and maybe greatest—Hyperlapse.

The user-friedly app from Instagram itself has simplified the process of producing sleek, smooth, and creative high-quality time-lapse videos. Check it out in action below.


All the little ants are marching.


Jimmy Fallon tried the app out on The Tonight Show.


You literally can’t lose with a cute dog video.


This is kind of like The Office meets The Maze Runner.


The app works wonders with shots of water.


Karlie Kloss coding on a laptop in hyperspeed!

And if you need more help getting started, iJustine has got you covered.

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