Home Weekly Wrap-up: Siri Pours Beer with Beeri, Google Denies Take Down Request and more

Weekly Wrap-up: Siri Pours Beer with Beeri, Google Denies Take Down Request and more

The imaginative team at RedPepper have dreamed up the most fun, automated way to have Siri deliver you a beer… RC car. Google also stepped into the limelight when it announced it had denied some requests from law enforcement to remove alleged police brutality videos.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web – Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web – plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.

Top Stories of the Week

Siri, Pour Me a Beer!

The Beeri story captivated many of our readers (and our writers). The folks at RedPepper hit a home run when they automated the beer pouring process in such a fun, if messy, way.

The comments had several readers reminiscing of the good ole’ nerdy days in college, when they used the burgeoning internet to automate other potent potables.

Google Denies Requests To Remove Videos of Police Brutality [UPDATED]

In their continued efforts at transparency, Google announced it had turned down requests from law enforcement to remove videos that show alleged police brutality or misconduct. This comes not long after the search giant handed over the IP info and contact list of a WikiLeaks volunteer to the U.S. government. Whether their response in both cases was correct or incorrect was the subject of several of your comments.

ReadWriteWeb Meetups Around the World

If you’re itching for a bit of tech conversation, join us for our next ReadWriteWeb worldwide technology meetup on November 15! Right now we already have meetups planned in Tokyo, Seoul, Vladivostok, Russia, Amsterdam, New Zealand, St. Louis, MO, Washington, DC and more. Don’t see your city listed? Add it in one click!

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