Home Turntable.fm Redesign Makes it Easier to Navigate DJ Rooms

Turntable.fm Redesign Makes it Easier to Navigate DJ Rooms

Turntable.fm, the group music-listening startup that took the Internet by storm this summer, has launched a redesign of its Web interface. The new UI is designed to help users better navigate from room to room, where they can either listen to a curated playlist of music or step up and play DJ themselves.

To help guide new users into the most appropriate room, Turntable has added a new section called “DJs needed,” which lists only rooms that are in need in need of more people to play tunes. You can also filter rooms by total number of listeners, how recently they were created or just show a random list.

There’s also a “Favorites” tab under which you can view the rooms you like most, which are easily designated by clicking the star icon next to the name of the room (either in the list view or from within the room itself). Of course, if none of the available rooms suit your fancy, you can always click the “Create new room” button and start picking songs to play for whoever shows up.

Turnable became this summer’s unexpected darling of the online group listening space after the founders of mobile barcode scanning startup Stickybits decide to shift gears and create a service that lets people DJ music for eachother’s animated avatars in virtual rooms. Its popularity was enough to spawn several copycat sites, some of which bear a more-than-coincidental resemblance to the original.

After a few months of browser-based success, the Turntable team released the service’s iPhone app earlier this month.

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