Home Sell Tickets to Your Next Webinar With AnyMeeting

Sell Tickets to Your Next Webinar With AnyMeeting

There are lots of free or inexpensive Web conferencing services available, but how about this interesting twist from AnyMeeting.com where you can sell tickets to your participants? It seems like a nifty idea, especially if you run your own speaking business. As we wrote about them last month AnyMeeting is an otherwise free Web service that has a lot of the features found in the higher-priced spreads: polls, invitations, text chat, and recorded sessions for later playback.

Anytime you schedule a meeting, you have the option to add the PayPal charging option. You can set up a fee for live and recorded viewers, along with three pre-set discount codes, such as for early registration. You can see the configuration screen below.

The catch is that you will have to pay some fees to both PayPal and AnyMeeting. There is the usual PayPal commission of 30 cents plus 2.9%, and AnyMeeting deducts a buck plus 20%. You have to charge at least $5 per seat to clear anything beyond the fees, and as you can see from the screen shot, they will do the math for you as you enter your pricing information. The ticketing feature is live now.

You can watch a screencast video here that explains how to set things up.

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