Home IBM Has New Web Analytics Solutions

IBM Has New Web Analytics Solutions

IBM has a new Web analytics service available, as part of an announcement earlier this month that combines technologies from its acquisitions last year of Coremetrics and Unica. This continues the trend with other large software companies who have significant analytic tools such as Adobe’s Omniture and Webtrends.

This is the overall dashboard, click on the image for a larger version.

New to the service are industry leading A/B testing capabilities to better help search engine marketers determine the most cost effective search terms and associated ads for driving visitor acquisition. Automated landing page A/B testing helps identify the best combinations of keywords, ad copy, and landing page content.

There are reminders about the screen dimensions showing you how much of your site is actually visible, depending on different resolutions. And a “buyer lifecycle” dashboard that shows you the stage in acquiring visitors and turning them into shoppers or returning customers to your site. There is built-in email marketing campaign management that will connect with Responsys and other mailing service providers, as you can see from the screenshot below.

To instrument a website, you just add a tag to each page, similar to Google Analytics. All of the services are SaaS-based with nothing to download other than a Web browser and Internet connection. And the product integrates with IBM’s Websphere site creation and management tools.

The service is broad ranging, and can instrument a wide variety of devices, applications and purposes. For example, businesses would be able to evaluate Facebook or Twitter activity, and offer customers tailored promotions delivered to their mobile devices on the fly.

Pricing is based on overall website traffic, for smaller sites it will cost $1,000 per month.

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