Home 3 Ways to Host Your Own Delicious Alternative

3 Ways to Host Your Own Delicious Alternative

Yesterday we all thought Delicious was about to go the way of Ma.gnolia. For those that don’t remember, Ma.gnolia was a Delicious competitor that suffered a massive data loss and eventually shut down entirely. It now looks like Delicious will live on, but it remains uncertain where or in what form.

The uncertainty about Delicious’s future has lead to many looking for alternatives, and several blogs have posted lists of various hosted alternatives like Diigo and Pinboard. But there’s another alternative: host your own Web-based bookmarking service. Here are three open source projects that you can install on your own server or cloud provider. Keep local backups, and you don’t have ever have to worry about a service being shutdown again. Please feel free to list other self-hosted alternatives in the comments.


Scuttle is an open source PHP and MySQL based Delicious-clone that’s been in development since 2005. It supports multiple users, so you could host a copy of it and let all your friends or co-workers use it.


Selficious is a new Python-based personal web bookmarking application very similar to Delicious. It’s designed for just one person to stash their bookmarks on a web server.


Scrumptious is a CouchDB based Delicious-clone by Jan-Piet Mens. It supports importing Delicious bookmarks. It doesn’t have the sort of radical decentralization of Twebz (Update: that’s actually an inherent feature of CouchDB’s replication) – , but it’s a start. You can grab the code from GitHub.

Bonus: Ma.gnolia?

Update: Here’s the gnolia / magnolia code on Github. Thanks Adam!

Ill-fated Delicious competitor Ma.gnolia released its code back in 2008. The company closed its doors this year and now its open source home ma.gnolia.org seems to be down. Is the code still floating around anywhere?

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