Home Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave, Microsoft Bing, What’s New in ’09, And More…

Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave, Microsoft Bing, What’s New in ’09, And More…

In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we report on Google’s announcement of a new communications and collaboration platform called Google Wave, look at Microsoft’s latest challenger in the search market with Bing, analyze the current trends we’re seeing on the Web, look at the latest smartphone statistics, and more. We also update you with the latest from our new channel ReadWriteStart, dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs.

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Introducing the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management

Our First Premium Report for Businesses

Recently we released our first premium report: The ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management. It’s been in the works for more than four months and we believe it’s unlike anything else you’ve seen. Businesses seeking to engage with online communities on their own websites or all around the social web will find the guide invaluable in getting up to speed on the state of the art and making sure their employees have the foundation they need to be effective.

The end product is in two parts. Part one is a 75 page collection of case studies, advice and discussion concerning the most important issues in online community. Part two is a companion online aggregator that delivers the most-discussed articles each day written by experts on community management from around the web. The Guide is available for purchase at a price of $299. (You won’t be charged until you complete a few simple steps on that page.) You can download a free sample section of the report here.

Web Trends

Web Trends: What’s New in 2009, Part 2

Last week we discussed some of the new trends we’re seeing on the Web in 2009: open data, structured data, apps that filter content effectively, real-time, personalization, mobile (especially location-based), and Internet of Things (the Web in real-world objects). We asked for your thoughts on these trends, along with your suggestions on what we should add. Also we were interested to know what products you’ve seen this year that are doing something new and ‘beyond Web 2.0’. In this post we look at some of your responses, to try to define further what defines this current era of the Web.

Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid

What are you doing? How about now? Has anything changed since you started reading this blog post? Every story has a who, what, where, when, and why – but the event-driven nature of the social Web may be putting such a premium on broadcasting about what we’re doing, that software designed to help us answer important questions like who and why are at risk of being neglected. It seems quite likely that we’re going to miss those opportunities because our software is focused entirely on doing (and advertising) instead of on helping us think as much as it could. Of course that’s much harder to do.

ClearSpring Sees What 1/2 The Internet is Doing (API Coming Soon)

It’s a little bit scary, but widget and sharing service ClearSpring said this morning that the company’s media widgets and newly acquired AddThis plug-in are now seen by more than 500 million unique viewers each month, according to Comscore. That’s half the people on the internet, the company says. That’s a whole lot of information. ClearSpring sees not just what you’re sharing, but nearly everything you’re doing on the pages its products are on. (AddThis is on ReadWriteWeb, for example.) So what on earth is it going to do with all that data? Like they said in Spiderman, “with great power, comes great responsibility.” We asked ClearSpring’s CEO about these super hero-like responsibilities and his thoughts are in this post.

Report on Mobile Web Use Shows Apple/Android Usability Issues, Successes

According to a report released this week from mobile advertising company AdMob, smartphones accounted for nearly three times more use than their relative market share last month. The report also found that relative use of both mobile-specific websites and HTML sites was highest on Apple and Android devices. Results were based on user-generated requests for mobile ads during April 2009 as well as on a Gartner report on smartphone sales in Q4 2008.


A Word from Our Sponsors

We’d like to thank ReadWriteWeb’s sponsors, without whom we couldn’t bring you all these stories every week!

  • Mashery is the leading provider of API management services.
  • Smub, a bookmarking and link posting tool for the iPhone.
  • Power Reviews, get the facts about customer reviews.
  • Mollom, stop comment spam and build your community.
  • Semantic Technology Conference, the future of the Web, IT, search, business.
  • Crowd Science gives you detailed visitor demographics.
  • hakia is a semantic search engine.
  • Rackspace provides dedicated server hosting.
  • Socialtext brings you 5 Best Practices for Enterprise Collaboration Success
  • Calais brings semantic functionality into your website or app.
  • Aplus provides web hosting services for small business hosting needs.
  • MediaTemple provides hosting for RWW.
  • SixApart provides our publishing software MT4.


Our new channel ReadWriteStart, sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark, is dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs.

Working Booms and Busts to Your Advantage (Cyclical Trends)

Figuring out which wave to ride (secular trends) is vital. Figuring out when to get on and when to get off is also important. You will never get the timing exactly right. It is like calling the top or bottom of a market. If you do manage to make exactly the right call, it is probably luck. But you can get the basic timing right. It doesn’t take a genius to see which cycle you’re in at any given time. What matters is figuring out what to do in each stage of the cycle.


Web Products

Google Wave: Google Tries to Reinvent Email

Google this week announced a new Internet-based communications and collaboration platform; Google Wave. While some of the details are still a bit sketchy, Google Wave looks to be an integrated communications platform that brings together email, chat, photo-sharing, and collaborative editing features. Google describes a ‘wave’ as “equal parts conversation and document” and the Wave team basically sees it as a replacement for email and other collaboration tools.

Bing It Is: Microsoft Rolls Out Its New Search Engine

It was no secret that Microsoft was getting ready to roll out a new search engine, and this week, the company began the official roll-out of Bing – the successor of the company’s less than successful Live Search efforts. Formerly known as Kumo, Bing, which should become available worldwide by June 3, is Microsoft’s latest attempt to steal market share away from Google. According to Microsoft, Bing, while providing a good general search experience, wants to focus on providing an especially good user experience in four verticals: making a purchase decision, planning a trip, researching a health condition, and finding a local business.

Comparing Yahoo and Google’s Voice Search Applications

At the end of last week, Yahoo! introduced an update to their iPhone application (iTunes URL) which now includes the ability to perform web searches using only your voice. This is the first real competitor to Google’s Mobile App, whose voice recognition technology came to the iPhone back in November of 2008. Now the only question is how do these two apps compare?

PeopleBrowsr Launches Beta

PeopleBrowsr, the online dashboard for tracking the social web (previous coverage) left alpha this week and moved into beta. Although many people use the app for tracking Twitter, it’s actually capable of tracking a ton of the top web properties including Facebook, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and even RSS feeds. You can also use the app to update multiple networks at once. The service was built more with the needs of brand managers, social media marketers, and other customer service professionals in mind than it was built for the casual everyday user.

Mir:ror: A Glimpse Into The Future of an RFID World

Mir:ror is an Internet of Things app from the company Violet (follow on Twitter @violetOS). As the name suggests, it is literally a mirror – but an Internet-connected one which detects the objects you show it, triggering applications and multimedia content on your computer. It works via RFID stamps, known as “ztamp:s” in the company’s terminology. These are colorful adhesive stamps that contain a relay chip. When the user waves a stamped object over the mir:ror, a pre-programmed action occurs. For example waving a stamped coffee mug over the mir:ror might trigger your computer to read the news aloud to you.


That’s a wrap for another week! Enjoy your weekend everyone.

About ReadWrite’s Editorial Process

The ReadWrite Editorial policy involves closely monitoring the tech industry for major developments, new product launches, AI breakthroughs, video game releases and other newsworthy events. Editors assign relevant stories to staff writers or freelance contributors with expertise in each particular topic area. Before publication, articles go through a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and to ensure adherence to ReadWrite's style guidelines.

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