Home TwitterMass: A Smarter Way to Auto-Follow on Twitter

TwitterMass: A Smarter Way to Auto-Follow on Twitter

Auto-following is a sensitive topic on Twitter, and the release of TwitterMass is surely going to create some controversy, as it takes auto-following to the next level. TwitterMass is a clever tool that automates what many Twitter users are already doing: finding new Twitter users to follow by searching for keywords and then following the most interesting of these users. One twist here, however, is that TwitterMass also automatically unfollows users who don’t follow you back within a few days. The point of this, of course, is to create a larger network of followers, which, because it is built on top of keyword and hashtag searches, should, at least in theory, be built on mutual interests.


Using TwitterMass couldn’t be easier: you simply set up a keyword search and TwitterMass will automatically follow every user who uses this keyword.

The twist here is that you can also set a ‘timer.’ After a set number of days, TwitterMass will check if those users it added followed you back, and if they didn’t, then TwitterMass will automatically unfollow them.

In the near future, TwitterMass will also provide its users with detailed statistics, the ability to bulk upload user lists, and the ability to ‘clone’ a Twitter account, which, we assume, means you could automatically follow every user who is currently following @rww, for example.

Because these new ‘relationships’ are built on mutual interests, TwitterMass should, at least in theory, be a better way to extend your Twitter network than just blindly auto-following users who subscribe to your feed.

There are, of course, other Twitter auto-follow tools like SocialToo and Twollow (though SocialToo charges $5 for this feature ), but few can rival TwitterMass’ feature set, especially once TwitterMass activates its stats features.

TwitterMass describes itself as a “hyper networking tool for Twitter,” and it will surely stir up some interesting discussions about the nature of Twitter as a social networking and marketing tool. Judging from our own tests, however, TwitterMass will definitely help you to increase the number of people who follow you on Twitter.

Thanks to Marjolein Hoekstra (@cleverclogs) for alerting us to this new service, and, as you would expect, you can also find TwitterMass’ developer Jonathan Nelson on Twitter (there is also an official, though oddly spelled, TwitterMass Twitter account here).

You can find ReadWriteWeb on Twitter, as well as the entire RWW Team: Marshall Kirkpatrick, Bernard Lunn, Alex Iskold, Sarah Perez, Frederic Lardinois, Rick Turoczy, Sean Ammirati, Lidija Davis and Phil Glockner.

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