Home Soon-to-launch Ayda helps you with your baby-making

Soon-to-launch Ayda helps you with your baby-making

Ayda, a promising new health wearable taking family planning to a whole new level that was founded just last year, is set to launch soon. The firm raised around $600,000 in seed capital and was recently named a “High Potential Startup” by Enterprise Ireland.

Ayda’s mobile phone app  – currently in the design stages – tracks fertility stages in women. The Ayda wearable is placed under the arm, in order to collect and interpret data during sleep. The device feels for differences in vital signs that could reflect hormonal changes during the sleep cycle. These variances are then reported back to the users – to inform them of their most fertile days and optimal chances of conceiving, as well as to provide them with a better understanding of their fertility.

Ayda helps couples plan that big addition to the family

“We are a female health startup,” said co-founder James Foody. “Our first product is a wearable device, connected to an app, that gives more control to couples who are planning pregnancies.”

He and co-founder Ian Kerins, started Ayda after studying together to earn their Master’s degrees in engineering at Ireland’s University College Cork. Foody was awarded the title of Ireland’s best young entrepreneur (IBYE) back in December, and he recently earned “Best Start-up Award” at Google’s Dublin HQ, while Kerins serves as the company’s head of operations at Ayda.

Foody said the ultimate goal for Ayda is to become the global leader for fertility apps and wearables. “We raised over $600,000 last year, and we are still pre-launch, so luckily funding is not a problem right now,” he said.

To those thinking about beginning their own startup business, Foody offers this advice: “See criticism as free learning that makes you a better entrepreneur. Don’t be constrained or deflated by criticism, but do learn from it.”

Ayda’s fertility device is set to launch in by the end of 2016.


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