Home Daily Wrap: The Return of Reasonable Debate and More

Daily Wrap: The Return of Reasonable Debate and More

ReadWriteWeb commenters continue to teach us lessons. Today’s lesson is one of reasoned debate in the age of ad hominem attacks. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.

Sometimes it’s difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ as well. This is a new feature at ReadWriteWeb so we covet your feedback. If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments below or reach out to me directly at robyn at readwriteweb.com.

3 Lessons Learned from the SOPA Debate Last Week

Last week we published a legal analysis of SOPA. Two commenters, e-novel publisher, Rowena Cherry, and TechDirt founder, Michael Masnick, engaged in a lively debate that inspired Scott Fulton to write up the lessons we should learn from such an intelligent, if not always perfectly polite, conversation. Since so many internet communities have thrown away vigorous but reasoned debate and turned to personal attacks instead, I hope we can learn from Rowena’s and Michael’s example.

Here are a few more must read posts, chosen by your fellow community members.

Cisco, Google Ventures and VMware Back Puppet Labs with $8.5 Million

Now You Can Tether Your iPhone to Your Laptop Without a Monthly Fee [Updated: Not Anymore]

BradBell is amazed that we’re still dealing with this issue in 2011.

Who would ever imagine, with all the innovation in digital communications, we’d be paying the lions share to the poor, dumb, half-assed telephone companies for the thumb on our wind pipes.

Google Opens the Door to Mobile Maps Inside Buildings

Google Ditches The Black Bar, Puts Search Atop All Pages

How Facebook Screwed With Everyone’s Privacy And What It’s Doing About It

The Five Signs That an Application is Ripe For the Cloud

EU Advocate General: You Can’t Copyright a Programming Language

The iPad Isn’t Just Killing PC Sales – Memory Chips Take a Hit Too

Tom Foremski, a ReadWriteWeb reader, added:

DRAM makers have always been losing money, way too much over-production is the cause, not iPads. Otherwise you would see an effect on microprocessor sales, and you don’t, Intel is killing it every quarter.

Windows Phone Outperforms Android and iOS In Mobile Advertising, Smaato Reports

ReadWriteWeb commenter, Jonathan Neumann wondered:

I’d be very curious to know what other mobile developers think too. I just released an iPhone app following the traditional paid scheme, but I am wondering if I shouldn’t also offer this app with ads. Would you recommend ad-supported apps, fellow coders?

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