Home 12 Tech Companies That Announced Funding This Week; Which is Most Likely to Change the World?

12 Tech Companies That Announced Funding This Week; Which is Most Likely to Change the World?

Today’s freshly funded tech startups could be tomorrow’s world-changing household names. We’ve identified 12 companies relevant to ReadWriteWeb readers that announced investments this week and would like to know – which of these do you, readers, think is most likely to change the world?

From streaming music to email newsletters to mobile app creation – this week’s freshly funded companies do a wide variety of work. Most probably won’t be big hits, some just may be. One thing they all have in common now, though, is this: they are under less pressure now to put all their short-term energy on earning revenue to keep the lights on. Thanks to their investors, they’ve got a little more wiggle room to think about product development, market positioning and other longer-term strategies. These twelve companies announced more than $70 million in total funding this week – which one do you think is most likely to make an impact?

Below you’ll find a poll to vote on which of these companies you’re most excited about. (We ask that companies please play nice.) Below the poll you’ll find links to business blogs covering these funding announcements in more depth. We’re working on making this a regular feature here at ReadWriteWeb, but we should congratulate location-based gaming network SCVNGR and social enterprise firm Dachis Group for being the top vote getters in our last funding poll. Those look like good votes, readers.

Who are you excited about this week?







Plum District



Kony Solutions

Korrio online sports automation



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