Home Mozilla’s First State of the Internet Report: Firefox’s Worldwide Market Share Near 30%

Mozilla’s First State of the Internet Report: Firefox’s Worldwide Market Share Near 30%

Mozilla, the non-profit organization behind the popular Firefox browser, just published its first quarterly State of the Internet report. With over 350 million users worldwide, Mozilla collects a lot of interesting data and the organization decided to start sharing more of this data in these quarterly reports. Firefox’s worldwide market share is now hovering near 30%, with Europe (39%) and South America (31%) leading the pack and North America coming in last (26%), even though it has the highest total number of Firefox users.

According to Mozilla, Firefox usage in Russia, for example, grew about 20% in the last quarter. In Indonesia, Firefox’s market share is now over 60%. It’ll be interesting to see how Microsoft’s new browser choice screen for Windows 7 in Europe will influence these numbers over the next few months.


Mozilla also shared some data from its recent Test Pilot study about how its users interact with tabs. The typical Firefox users has between 2 and 3 tabs open at any time during the day. The maximum number of open tabs that were recorded during the study was 600.

Some Fun Stats about Firefox Usage:

Mozilla also took a look at the lighter side of the data in its databases.

  • Based on when the company receives daily Firefox update pings from its users, Mozilla calculated that people in New York tend to turn on their computers later in the day than Firefox users in California, while users in Hawaii, Maine and Wyoming tend to get an early start.
  • Firefox users in South America are the most likely to use themes or Personas to personalize their browsers.
  • Firefox users in Asia adopt add-ons faster than anybody else, but users in Antarctica download more adds per head than anybody else. Firefox’s market share in Antarctica is about 80%.

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