Home TBL Podcast, Mobile News, and 2 tickets to Future of Web Apps to give away

TBL Podcast, Mobile News, and 2 tickets to Future of Web Apps to give away

IBM has a podcast
with Tim Berners-Lee
. In a conversation with Scott Laningham of IBM
developerWorks, Sir Tim discusses his early history with the Web, opportunities and
challenges of the present, emerging technologies, and of course the semantic web.

news on your mobile device – Another Web inventor, Dave Winer of RSS fame, is now
busy creating mobile
of popular news sources and weblogs for reading on your BlackBerry, Treo, or
web-enabled cell phone. Included in the first batch is a mobile version of Read/WriteWeb! Also available is mobile
NY Times. When I hear Dave saying something like this,
I always prick up my ears:

“I’ve not been so excited or so sure about a new direction for mobile technology since
podcasting in June 2004. I’m sure we’ll look back on this as a turning point for mobile

And speaking of the future of the Web… Read/WriteWeb is giving away two seats
to The Future of Web Apps conference – courtesy of Carson Workshops.
For a chance to win, answer this question: What is the name of the person speaking about
Google Calendar at The Future of Web Apps?

Email readwriteweb [at] carsonworkshops [dot] com with your answer and the folks at
Carson Workshops will choose the first two people with the right answer.

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